WorkLB for Work-seekers
Are you looking for quality local work, at times you chose? Do you need new skills and experience? Could you use a resume showing proven reliability at work? WorkLB may be ready to assist.

What’s new?
WorkLB is a program from Pacific Gateway, the public workforce investment board for Long Beach and surrounding areas. It uses an online platform that matches local people to work that aligns with their skills, aspirations and times of availability.
WorkLB can support people who seek regular weekly hours of work as well as individuals who need flexibility to work around other commitments. Those could include medical issues, parenting, family caregiving, studying or existing partial employment.
Unlike typical “gig work” platforms, this one is built around protections, control, on-going relationships with clients and progression. It can be accessed through an app or a website. It is multi-language on the web with tools for users who have visual or mobility impairments.
The aim of this program is to find every possible type of work that each work-seeker is qualified and willing to do. This maximizes opportunities for work, skills and networks.
Everyone working through the platform is a W-2 employee (not a 1099 contractor). So, they are covered by minimum wage, receive benefits and are insured. Their employer of record is an accountable community organization in the area.
Part of the program involves developing ways workforce board services, such as funds for training and extra support for labor market strugglers, can be incorporated into the program. This is one area where WorkLB is leading the national public workforce system.

What’s the history?
WorkLB was piloted during the pandemic with a focus on childcare workers. The City is now investing in expansion across other sectors as part of the Long Beach Recovery Act. Aside from work for City Hall departments, it is anticipated the program will spread to include retail, hospitality, care, distribution and building work. Each worker decides which sector(s) they want to work in.
Long Beach is the first city in the US to launch a service like WorkLB. It has won national and international recognition. We are still in the early days of expansion and may not be able to serve all work-seekers who would like to enrol. But we will do our best to avoid wasting your time if we can’t help you yet.